For the first month of owning my Mac, I hit F5, nothing happened, and then I begrudgingly grabbed the mouse and clicked the refresh button. I know that ‘command – R' is the Mac equivalent to F5 for a browser refresh, but I'm just so used to F5 (and I like just hitting one key), so I really wanted to have F5 work as the reload button. By Vipin Hard refresh operation can be done in windows by pressing Ctrl+F5 button, where as this function can be done in Mac by pressing Apple Key+Shift+R. Refresh also can be done by pressing Apple key+R (Windows Key+R in windows) If you are using windows keyboard Press Window Key+Shift+R button.
What App Use Function Key Shortcuts?
Function keys are used in many apps. Here's some almost universal keys: Jolly fast vnc mac download.
- F11 full screen.
- F5 browser refresh.
- F2 rename, when in desktop folder, or in image viewer.
- F12 opens JavaScript console. (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) [see JS: How to Use Browser Console]
- Photoshop. Help F1, Cut F2, Copy F3, Paste F4, Show/Hide Brush panel F5, Show/Hide Color panel F6, Show/Hide Layers panel F7, Show/Hide Info panel F8, Show/Hide Actions panel F9, Revert F12, Fill Shift+F5, Feather Selection Shift+F6, Inverse Selection Shift+F7
If you are a programer, many IDE or Linux terminal tools use all of the function keys.
- linux
. [see Linux: Monitor Processes, htop] - Microsoft Visual Studio, 69 shortcuts involving function keys. [see Microsoft Visual Studio Function Key Shortcuts]
- Apple Xcode. (Step Into F7, Step Over F6, Step Out F8 and more with modifiers.)
- Midnight Commander.
Following are tips on how you can customize the function keys for more productivity.
Switching Windows/Apps
One of the best use for function keys is switching apps. I've been using this since 1992, across {Mac, Windows, Linux}.
Normally, to switch app you have to do Alt+Tab or ⌘command+Tab, or even using Windows Flip3D or Instant Viewer or Mac's 'Mission Control' (aka Exposé). They involve multiple keys or mouse aim. The Tab is pressed by pinky — the weakest finger. But worst is that you have to take a second to eyeball among 10 windows to look for the one you want.
For most of us, there are 3 or 4 specific apps we use everyday, and have to constantly switch to it many times every hour. Examples: {browser, desktop, photoshop, terminal}.
It's good to have F5F6F7F8 for switching to the apps you use the most often.
For how to set a key to switch app, see:How to Set Key to Switch to Browser.
What About App Launch Buttons?
On many keyboards, they have special buttons to launch apps. But these buttons have several problems:
- They are harder to press than Function keys.
- They are in hard-to-reach places.
- Their positions and size are not standardized. It requires looking to press the button.
What About Windows's QucikLaunch?
On Windows, if you have pinned apps in Taskbar (or Quick Launch barin Windows Vista), the keys are ❖Window+1, ❖Window+2etc.
These are not good shortcuts because:
- Two key combos is not as convenient as single key.
- The key 1 is in difficult position pressed by pinky.
Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste
The traditional keys for {Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste} are Z X C V, while holding Ctrl or ⌘command. That's 2 key presses. You can set F1F2F3F4 Adobe creative cloud for 10.7 mac. to them.
Copy and Paste is by far the most used keys. Setting them to single key saves you a lot hand stress.
Here's how to:
- Linux how-to: Linux: Set F2 F3 F4 to Cut Copy Paste
- Mac how-to: Mac: Key Remapping, Keybinding Tools
- Windows how-to: Useful AutoHotkey Scripts
Switching Browser Tabs, Close Tab
Often, you have 10 tabs open in a browser. The hotkey to switch to previous/next tab varies depending on browser. For example, for Next Tab, there's:
- Ctrl+Tab (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
- Ctrl+PageDown (Firefox, Chrome)
- ⌘command+Shift+→ (Safari)
They all require multiple keys. Using a mouse is more cumbersome, because you have to take a second to aim at the right tab.
It would be very convenient to set F11F12 for prev/next tab. Pressing one of these key can quickly fly you thru all your tabs.
By default, the key to close tab is Ctrl+w.
Create a hotkey for closing the current tab. Depending on your keyboard, it can be Pause or F13.
(usually, in most browsers, you can press Ctrl+Shift+t to reopen. Mac os x wireless hacking tools. In Safari, it's undo Ctrl+z)
- Linux how-to: Linux: Add Keyboard Shortcut to Switch App
- Mac how-to: Mac: Key Remapping, Keybinding Tools
- Microsoft Windows how-to: Useful AutoHotkey Scripts
Switching Virtual Desktop
On Mac, Linux, Windows 10, you have virtual screen called 'workspace'. Typically, Linuxes lets you switch by Ctrl+Alt+→ , or Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2. That's 2 or 3 combo-keys requiring both hands.
If you use Virtual Desktop heavily, then F9F10 are perfect keys for it.
For Linux, just go to the control panel, then windows manager preference. See: Linux: Keyboard Software Guide
For Mac OS X, you can set in control panel too.
Keyboard with Bad Function Keys
- Avoid Continuous-Row Function Keys
- Avoid Function Keys as Special Buttons
If the function keys is not easy to press, then, it's not good to put frequently used commands to them.
Function Key vs Key Combination, Which is Healthier, Which is Faster?
Keyboard Keys Topic
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Check tutorial of What's the Mac Equivalent to F5 Refresh Key from Windows?
So after a lot of requests from our users here is a guide about What's the Mac Equivalent to F5 Refresh Key from Windows?.
Mac users who have switched from the Windows platform may be used to pressing the F5 function key to refresh a web browser, website or web page. The F5 key is used in most Windows web browsers to refresh or reload, so when Windows users switch to Mac, they may be wondering what button is on the Mac, as hitting F5 on the Mac either usually adjusts the keyboard backlight or does nothing at all.
We'll cover the F5 key equivalent on the Mac for most of the web browsers you come across so if you're a recent Windows switcher you should find this guide particularly useful.
Command + R is usually the Refresh shortcut on Mac web browsers
The keystroke for reloading or refreshing a web page in most web browsers for Mac is Command + R, and that is true of most Mac web browsers, including Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Epic, Brave, and others.
We will dive into specific web browsers to discuss them individually and also some specifically tricks for each to reload without cache, if needed.
F5 Refresh Equivalent in Safari for Mac
Safari is the default web browser on a Mac, so it's probably what you'll use by default unless you change the default browser, so this is probably the most important thing to discuss first. To refresh or reload a webpage in the Safari web browser on a Mac, press a simple keyboard shortcut:
- Command + R reloads a web page in Safari on Mac
Command + R in Safari for Mac reloads a webpage, making it essentially the same as hitting F5 on Windows when viewing a webpage.
Using Command + R to Refresh in Safari works the same in the standard Safari version which comes preinstalled on all Macs along with Safari Technology Preview and also the Developer version. It's a simple shortcut; Command + R is the Safari equivalent of F5 in a Windows browser.
Note that if you want to refresh a web page in Safari without loading the cache, you can use Command + Option + R or hold the Shift key and then click the Refresh button button, or you can clear the Safari cache. Reloading websites without cache is usually only for advanced users and developers.
F5 Refresh Equivalent in Chrome for Mac
Reloading a web page in Chrome on the Mac uses the same keyboard shortcut as Safari on the Mac, cmd + r. This includes Chrome, Chrome Canary and other Chrome developer versions.
- Command + R reloads a web page in Chrome on Mac
Indeed, Chrome on the Mac also uses Command + R to refresh a webpage or website, which is the exact same reload shortcut that Safari uses. Obviously, this makes it easy to remember as you only need to remember one keyboard shortcut to reload.epic
You can also add the Shift key to that same keyboard command to force refresh a webpage without loading the cache in Chrome, but it's mostly used by developers and most users don't need to.
Refresh web pages in Chrome-derived browsers; Epic, Brave, etc. – Command + R
A handful of other browsers use Chrome as a base, including Epic, which has a handy geolocation proxy tool, Brave, and others. All of these Chrome spin-off browsers also use Command + R to refresh the browser.
Refresh Screen F5
F5 equivalent in Firefox for Mac
Are you a Firefox user on the Mac? Great, the Firefox refresh keyboard shortcut is the same as the other browsers!
- Command + R refreshes a website in Firefox on Mac OS
For the first month of owning my Mac, I hit F5, nothing happened, and then I begrudgingly grabbed the mouse and clicked the refresh button. I know that ‘command – R' is the Mac equivalent to F5 for a browser refresh, but I'm just so used to F5 (and I like just hitting one key), so I really wanted to have F5 work as the reload button. By Vipin Hard refresh operation can be done in windows by pressing Ctrl+F5 button, where as this function can be done in Mac by pressing Apple Key+Shift+R. Refresh also can be done by pressing Apple key+R (Windows Key+R in windows) If you are using windows keyboard Press Window Key+Shift+R button.
What App Use Function Key Shortcuts?
Function keys are used in many apps. Here's some almost universal keys: Jolly fast vnc mac download.
- F11 full screen.
- F5 browser refresh.
- F2 rename, when in desktop folder, or in image viewer.
- F12 opens JavaScript console. (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) [see JS: How to Use Browser Console]
- Photoshop. Help F1, Cut F2, Copy F3, Paste F4, Show/Hide Brush panel F5, Show/Hide Color panel F6, Show/Hide Layers panel F7, Show/Hide Info panel F8, Show/Hide Actions panel F9, Revert F12, Fill Shift+F5, Feather Selection Shift+F6, Inverse Selection Shift+F7
If you are a programer, many IDE or Linux terminal tools use all of the function keys.
- linux
. [see Linux: Monitor Processes, htop] - Microsoft Visual Studio, 69 shortcuts involving function keys. [see Microsoft Visual Studio Function Key Shortcuts]
- Apple Xcode. (Step Into F7, Step Over F6, Step Out F8 and more with modifiers.)
- Midnight Commander.
Following are tips on how you can customize the function keys for more productivity.
Switching Windows/Apps
One of the best use for function keys is switching apps. I've been using this since 1992, across {Mac, Windows, Linux}.
Normally, to switch app you have to do Alt+Tab or ⌘command+Tab, or even using Windows Flip3D or Instant Viewer or Mac's 'Mission Control' (aka Exposé). They involve multiple keys or mouse aim. The Tab is pressed by pinky — the weakest finger. But worst is that you have to take a second to eyeball among 10 windows to look for the one you want.
For most of us, there are 3 or 4 specific apps we use everyday, and have to constantly switch to it many times every hour. Examples: {browser, desktop, photoshop, terminal}.
It's good to have F5F6F7F8 for switching to the apps you use the most often.
For how to set a key to switch app, see:How to Set Key to Switch to Browser.
What About App Launch Buttons?
On many keyboards, they have special buttons to launch apps. But these buttons have several problems:
- They are harder to press than Function keys.
- They are in hard-to-reach places.
- Their positions and size are not standardized. It requires looking to press the button.
What About Windows's QucikLaunch?
On Windows, if you have pinned apps in Taskbar (or Quick Launch barin Windows Vista), the keys are ❖Window+1, ❖Window+2etc.
These are not good shortcuts because:
- Two key combos is not as convenient as single key.
- The key 1 is in difficult position pressed by pinky.
Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste
The traditional keys for {Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste} are Z X C V, while holding Ctrl or ⌘command. That's 2 key presses. You can set F1F2F3F4 Adobe creative cloud for 10.7 mac. to them.
Copy and Paste is by far the most used keys. Setting them to single key saves you a lot hand stress.
Here's how to:
- Linux how-to: Linux: Set F2 F3 F4 to Cut Copy Paste
- Mac how-to: Mac: Key Remapping, Keybinding Tools
- Windows how-to: Useful AutoHotkey Scripts
Switching Browser Tabs, Close Tab
Often, you have 10 tabs open in a browser. The hotkey to switch to previous/next tab varies depending on browser. For example, for Next Tab, there's:
- Ctrl+Tab (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
- Ctrl+PageDown (Firefox, Chrome)
- ⌘command+Shift+→ (Safari)
They all require multiple keys. Using a mouse is more cumbersome, because you have to take a second to aim at the right tab.
It would be very convenient to set F11F12 for prev/next tab. Pressing one of these key can quickly fly you thru all your tabs.
By default, the key to close tab is Ctrl+w.
Create a hotkey for closing the current tab. Depending on your keyboard, it can be Pause or F13.
(usually, in most browsers, you can press Ctrl+Shift+t to reopen. Mac os x wireless hacking tools. In Safari, it's undo Ctrl+z)
- Linux how-to: Linux: Add Keyboard Shortcut to Switch App
- Mac how-to: Mac: Key Remapping, Keybinding Tools
- Microsoft Windows how-to: Useful AutoHotkey Scripts
Switching Virtual Desktop
On Mac, Linux, Windows 10, you have virtual screen called 'workspace'. Typically, Linuxes lets you switch by Ctrl+Alt+→ , or Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2. That's 2 or 3 combo-keys requiring both hands.
If you use Virtual Desktop heavily, then F9F10 are perfect keys for it.
For Linux, just go to the control panel, then windows manager preference. See: Linux: Keyboard Software Guide
For Mac OS X, you can set in control panel too.
Keyboard with Bad Function Keys
- Avoid Continuous-Row Function Keys
- Avoid Function Keys as Special Buttons
If the function keys is not easy to press, then, it's not good to put frequently used commands to them.
Function Key vs Key Combination, Which is Healthier, Which is Faster?
Keyboard Keys Topic
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Check tutorial of What's the Mac Equivalent to F5 Refresh Key from Windows?
So after a lot of requests from our users here is a guide about What's the Mac Equivalent to F5 Refresh Key from Windows?.
Mac users who have switched from the Windows platform may be used to pressing the F5 function key to refresh a web browser, website or web page. The F5 key is used in most Windows web browsers to refresh or reload, so when Windows users switch to Mac, they may be wondering what button is on the Mac, as hitting F5 on the Mac either usually adjusts the keyboard backlight or does nothing at all.
We'll cover the F5 key equivalent on the Mac for most of the web browsers you come across so if you're a recent Windows switcher you should find this guide particularly useful.
Command + R is usually the Refresh shortcut on Mac web browsers
The keystroke for reloading or refreshing a web page in most web browsers for Mac is Command + R, and that is true of most Mac web browsers, including Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Epic, Brave, and others.
We will dive into specific web browsers to discuss them individually and also some specifically tricks for each to reload without cache, if needed.
F5 Refresh Equivalent in Safari for Mac
Safari is the default web browser on a Mac, so it's probably what you'll use by default unless you change the default browser, so this is probably the most important thing to discuss first. To refresh or reload a webpage in the Safari web browser on a Mac, press a simple keyboard shortcut:
- Command + R reloads a web page in Safari on Mac
Command + R in Safari for Mac reloads a webpage, making it essentially the same as hitting F5 on Windows when viewing a webpage.
Using Command + R to Refresh in Safari works the same in the standard Safari version which comes preinstalled on all Macs along with Safari Technology Preview and also the Developer version. It's a simple shortcut; Command + R is the Safari equivalent of F5 in a Windows browser.
Note that if you want to refresh a web page in Safari without loading the cache, you can use Command + Option + R or hold the Shift key and then click the Refresh button button, or you can clear the Safari cache. Reloading websites without cache is usually only for advanced users and developers.
F5 Refresh Equivalent in Chrome for Mac
Reloading a web page in Chrome on the Mac uses the same keyboard shortcut as Safari on the Mac, cmd + r. This includes Chrome, Chrome Canary and other Chrome developer versions.
- Command + R reloads a web page in Chrome on Mac
Indeed, Chrome on the Mac also uses Command + R to refresh a webpage or website, which is the exact same reload shortcut that Safari uses. Obviously, this makes it easy to remember as you only need to remember one keyboard shortcut to reload.epic
You can also add the Shift key to that same keyboard command to force refresh a webpage without loading the cache in Chrome, but it's mostly used by developers and most users don't need to.
Refresh web pages in Chrome-derived browsers; Epic, Brave, etc. – Command + R
A handful of other browsers use Chrome as a base, including Epic, which has a handy geolocation proxy tool, Brave, and others. All of these Chrome spin-off browsers also use Command + R to refresh the browser.
Refresh Screen F5
F5 equivalent in Firefox for Mac
Are you a Firefox user on the Mac? Great, the Firefox refresh keyboard shortcut is the same as the other browsers!
- Command + R refreshes a website in Firefox on Mac OS
You may notice a recurring theme here… just as F5 is the default refresh browser and web page option on Windows computers, Command + R is the default refresh option on Mac web browsers.
F5 equivalent in Opera for Mac
If you are using Opera (which has an excellent free bundled VPN and is therefore a worthwhile browser to add to some user collections for that reason alone) then you will be relieved to know that Opera also uses the same shortcut as other Mac browsers for refreshing web pages:
- Command + R refreshes a web page in Opera for Mac
As you've probably noticed by now, the Command + R keyboard shortcut for reloading a web page on the Mac, basically regardless of the web browser itself, is so ubiquitous and widely accepted that there is no variation of it. Just as F5 refreshes web pages on Windows, so Command + R refreshes web pages on the Mac, making Command + R the F5 equivalent.
How about refresh in other apps?
Many other apps also have refresh features, but not all of them have keyboard shortcuts associated with their functionality. For example, you can also refresh the Mac App Store with Command + R, but if you want to refresh the Finder file system you should try something else as there is no instant refresh option.
This is just one of the many useful things to learn and remember for Windows switchers to the Mac platform. Another helpful tricks can learn what the HOME and END is buttons are, which page Up and Page Down are the print screen button equivalent, which is the ALT key (if not labeled, it depends on the Mac's keyboard and region), and mimicking the DEL forward delete function. All of this is possible (and a lot more) on the Mac, but since most Mac keyboards are a bit more minimalistic and simpler, it may require minimal tweaking to get to know the new keystrokes and shortcuts to perform tasks that are routine in the world of Windows PCs.
How To Set F5 Key For Refresh Macbook
If you know of any other handy freshening up tricks, Keyboard shortcuts, buttons, or any other options that may be helpful to Mac users (especially those switching from Windows), share them with us in the comments below!
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